Examination of the efficiency of the energy use, developing energy saving measures, preparing TAO certificate.

Monitoring the energy consumption, promoting energy efficient operation, supporting the development of mandatory sub-measurement.

Making studies and calculations required for the energy application of condominiums, public buildings and companies. Monitoring of the implemented project.
The Comfort Consulting Ltd. was established in 2004
The main activities of the company are the preparation of energy audits, provision of energy specialist service, participation in energy rationalization tenders, and engineering consultancy in the fields of HVAC and building energy. Our mission is to ensure efficient energy supply and energy use for our customers, as well as to reduce their energy consumption costs and environmental burdens. In the recent years, we prepared a number of energy audit of office buildings, schools, hospitals, hotels, shopping malls and production facilities. We currently provide energy specialist service to several companies, ensuring energy efficient operation for them. In addition, we make balancing both hydronic and ventilation systems, measurement of HVAC systems, and technical justice expertise of HVAC systems.
We are proud to have the following companies and institutions among our satisfied Clients: Penny-Market Ltd., Dm-drogerie markt Ltd., Árkád Shopping Centers, IKEA, Budapest Waterworks, Pápa NATO base, Wiesbauer-Dunahús Ltd., Schwarzmüller Ltd., K&H Bank, Palace of arts, University of Public Service.
We look forward to a successful working relationship with your company in the future.

2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Deák Ferenc str. 2. fszt. 3.
TELEPHONE+36 30 964 2500

Zoltán Magyar, PhD

Mihály Hégli