
Energy audit, TAO certificate

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Energy audit, TAO certificate

Energy audit

The energy audit is such a complex process that includes the investigation of the energy consuming systems, the analysis of the energy consumption and the development of recommendations to increase energy efficiency.

The aim of the energy audit is to increase the efficiency of energy production and consumption, to reduce the energy costs and to protect the environment. In Hungary, the 2015. LVII. Law on Energy Efficiency made the preparation of the energy audit for large companies mandatory. Every four years, every large company is obliged to carry out an energy audit to explore its energy characteristics. The mandatory energy audit should have carried out until 5 December 2015 for the first time. The Decree 122/2015. (V. 26) describes the implementation of the Law on Energy Efficiency. The energy audit in accordance with the regulation should cover:

  • Determination of energy sources and costs
  • Determination of consumer trends, basis and specific values
  • Finding and presenting the points of energy wasting
  • Identifying and analysing the cost-effective energy use patterns, the possibility of using renewable energy sources, improved operating procedures and installing new equipment.

The energy audit is based on detailed calculations and provides recommendations to increase the energy efficiency. In compliance with the Regulation, the energy efficiency improvement opportunities shall be determined at least according to the following categories of intervention:

  • Does not require investment
  • Expected as profitable even without external financial support
  • Currently it is reasonable only with external financial support

The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority inspects the fulfilment of the mandatory energy audit and the compliance with the legislative requirements

Our company has prepared energy audits for several years, so we have great experience in this field. We welcomed the EN 16247 standard package on energy audit, that results the energy audit can be made within the frame of the standard. The standardization and the legal provisions strengthened further the importance of energy auditing. We would be pleased if we could be your partner in the preparation of the energy audit and we can help to reduce both energy costs and environmental impact.

Please contact us.

TAO discount

Corporation tax allowance is available for the implementation of an investment for energy efficiency purposes, according to the LXXXI. Law 22 / E. §.

The tax benefit available to the taxpayer may not exceed the eligible cost of the investment or renovation per taxpayer, as well as per investment, renovation, together with all state subsidies required for the investment or renovation, at present value

a) 30% in the settlements of the Central Hungary region that are not eligible according to government decree,

b) 35% in the eligible settlements of the Central Hungary region specified in government decree,

c) 45% in the region of Northern Hungary, Norther Plain, Southern Plain, Southern Transdanubia, Central Transdanubia or Western Transdanubia

appropriate amount, up to 15 million Euros. The rate of the tax credit can be increased by 20 percentage points for small enterprises and by 10 percentage points for medium-sized enterprises.

The condition for the application of the tax credit is that the taxpayer uses the assets forming part of the investment and operates them for at least 5 years after the commissioning of the investment.

We are at your service to make the energy audit and the certification required to enforce the TAO discount.

If you need energy audit, TAO certificate, please contact us!




2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Deák Ferenc str. 2. fszt. 3.


+36 30 964 2500