Energy specialist, Mandatory electrical sub-measurement
Energy specialist
According to the Energy Efficiency Act and the 122/2015. Gov. Decree, from 21 December 2016. it is mandatory to delegate an energy specialist for all companies, whose annual average energy consumptions exceeds
a) 400 000 kWh electricity, or
b) 100 000 m3 of natural gas, or
c) 3400 GJ of thermal energy
Our energy specialist service consists of the following:
- Monitoring the changes in the energy consumption of the enterprise and the implementation of energy efficiency measures.
- Help to promote energy conservation behaviour
- Suggestions on energy efficient operational solutions and energy efficiency development opportunities.
- Calculating the energy savings achieved by the implemented energy efficiency improvements and operating solutions.
- Consultancy in the conduct of regular energy audits and in the design and operation of the EN ISO 50001 energy management system,
- Making monthly reports on our activity, on the company's monthly energy consumption and its assessment taking into account the basis of consumption data for the same period of the previous year, on the implemented investments, improvements and other circumstances.
- In every year until 15 May we produce an annual report based on the monthly reports on the energy savings achieved by the implemented energy efficiency improvements and operating solutions. The report has to be published on the company’s own website by 31 May in every year, according to the Energy Efficiency Act.
- According to the Energy Efficiency Act 22/C §, we prepare and send to MEKH (Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority) the annual data supply with the data content recorded in the MEKH Regulation 2/2017. The annual data submission must be completed by June 30 of each year.
Since the establishment of Comfort Consulting Ltd., we have made numerous energy audits. Based on these energy audits we have great experience in analyzing energy consumption, developing energy efficiency improvement opportunities and operating procedures, which is the basis of the energy specialist service.
If you need energy specialist, please contact us!
Mandatory electrical sub-measurement
On 24th January 2020, the 1/2020 (I. 16.) MEKH decree on the determination of the installation points of sub-meters to be installed by economic entities obliged to use energy specialist and the minimum requirements for measurement using sub-meters entered into force.
Sub-meters shall be installed by economic entities obliged to employ energy specialist, if they have equipment or groups of equipment whose performance exceeds the levels prescribed in the Regulation or which benefit from a corporate tax credit for energy efficiency investment or renovation.
The Regulation contains a step-by-step introduction to facilitate compliance with the law and to allow investments to be planned. The sub-meters must be installed at the installation points specified in the Regulation by 1st January 2021 and 1st January 2022, respectively.
Until 1st January 2021 |
Until 1st January 2022 |
Stand-alone electrical equipment (rated electrical power) |
>100 kW |
>50 kW |
Heat generators and air conditioners (rated electrical power) |
>140 kW |
>70 kW |
Equipment fed through a supply point and technological queued (simultaneous power) |
- |
>100 kW |
Exceptions are equipment whose electricity consumption can be calculated on the basis of installed capacity and operating time, as well as equipment with an average operating time of 1000 operating hours / year (2000 operating hours / year until 1 January 2021).
For the purposes of this Regulation, a sub-meter is a consumption meter capable of measuring at least 15-minute frequency with a maximum error of 3%, and of storing and transmitting measurement data, which is used to
(a) share the electricity consumption measured by the accounting meter, or
(b) to separate measurement of the electricity consumption of certain electricity consuming appliances.
For the purposes of this Regulation, a sub-meter is suitable for measuring at least quarterly hours, classified in at least accuracy class “B” of 43/2016. (XI. 23.) NGM Decree on specific requirements for measuring instruments, a consumption meter or metering system for measuring the effective electricity of alternating current, which is suitable for storing the measured values or transmitting them to a data collection system for storage.
We recommend our partner company, EnerIT Innovation Ltd. for the installation of electrical sub-measurement system. If you would like to request an offer for the installation of a sub-measuring system, please contact us!

2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Deák Ferenc str. 2. fszt. 3.
TELEPHONE+36 30 964 2500