Energy audit of Szentendre City Service Provider Non-profit Ltd. in accordance with The Hungarian Law 2015 LVII. Act on Energy Efficiency and 122/2015. (V. 26) Government Decree on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Act.
Energy audit of The Ludovika Main Building at 1083 Budapest, Ludovika Square 2.
Providing energy specialist activities for Szentendre City Service Provider Non-profit Ltd. in accordance with The Hungarian Law 2015 LVII. Act on Energy Efficiency and 122/2015. (V. 26) Government Decree on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Act.
Energy audit of Weener Plastic Ltd. in accordance with The Hungarian Law 2015 LVII. Act on Energy Efficiency and 122/2015. (V. 26) Government Decree on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Act.
Az Eaton Enterprises (Hungary) Kft. /1123 Budapest, Nagyenyed u. 8-14/ energetikai auditjának elkészítése a 2015. évi LVII. törvény az energiahatékonyságról és a 122/2015. végrehajtási rendeletben foglaltak szerint.
Energy audit of Schwarzmüller Ltd. in accordance with The Hungarian Law 2015 LVII. Act on Energy Efficiency and 122/2015. (V. 26) Government Decree on the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Act.